We are happy to share, that the Open Integration Hub Platform will be in Early Access very soon! As you may know, one of the key areas for our current project (OIHplus) is to make it easier to use the Open Integration Hub Framework. Understanding, customizing and running the Framework is sometimes a challenge. The Framework is versatile and powerful. But that comes with a certain complexity. The Platform will provide framework functionality as a service to you.
Jump-start Your Integrations
The core purpose of creating Open Integration Hub was to make it easier for solution providers to offer integrations directly to their customers. The current use cases are almost endless. To create a standardized platform, we decided to narrow it down to an area where we have most functionality. The Open Integration Hub Platform will first focus on business software vendors (ideally SaaS) and help them to create their integrations fast!
The Platform will utilize many of the Framework’s services and will of course allow you to use all the great Connectors provided by the community. You can also still create and upload your own custom Connectors. It will allow you to create integration flows in a standard backend and embedding them via API or a pre-build Integration Catalog in any frontend. Our User Interface will make it easy to quickly create new flows, turning them into templates and providing them to your users to activate.
Get Early Access
We want to make sure, that the provided functionality creates value for the Community. Therefore, we created a MVP so that you can test it and tell us what you think early on. You can already register interest and get Early Access. With your help, we will improve the platform and hopefully release a first public version in the spring of next year.
To learn more about the Platform and register, please visit: https://platform.openintegrationhub.org/